Saturday, October 12, 2013

Colonel Joseph Glover 5x Great Grandfather

Joseph Glover (1719-1783) was born in Edonton, North Carolina and married Margaret Kelly. They became the parents of nine children. He moved to Colleton County, South Carolina where Margaret died and he remarried Anne Wilson Doughty in September 1751.

He acted as appraiser on a plantation after the death of William Singleton in 1744 which is where he found the home where he lived for the remainder of his life. His numerous descendants live throughout the United States.

He served in the Continental Army as Colonel of the Colleton County Regiment. He continued to hold that post after the first Council of Safety was formed in the same year. At the beginning of the American Revolution, Colonel Glover was Senior Officer of Militia in South Carolina in charge of munitions west of the Edisto River. During the war, he outfitted his own three-masted square rigger as a “Man of War.” His ship was later dismantled and sunk in the channel of the Charles Town Harbor, along with other vessels, under instructions from the Second Provincial Congress, in the hopes that the entrance of the harbor would be so obstructed that the British fleet would not be able to enter and attack the city.

In addition to being a soldier, Colonel Glover was a churchman and a lawmaker. As vestryman of St. Bartholomew’s Parish, he was elected from the parish to serve in the Legislature in 1781.

Next Sanders Glover 4x Great Grandfather  *(if I can find anything about him)

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